JR Glass In Its Third Year of Backpack Donations

We were so honored to receive a personal “thank you” card from our Mayor for our contribution of backpacks full of school supplies for homeless kids in Fitchburg. This is our third year providing these backpacks, and it has become a tradition we greatly value. A simple backpack with some school supplies and a personalized note can make all the difference in the world for these kids!


JR Glass goes to head of class with backpack donationJ R Glass Backpacks for Fitchburg

FITCHBURG — Like last year, JR Glass Like has assembled 80 backpacks filled with school supplies for the homeless children who attend city schools.

“We are planning on dropping them off on Friday to the schools’ Title I Coordinator Eva Kelly,” said JR Glass Vice President Kathy Alexander. “We also have reached out to our friends in the community asking for $25 gift cards to local stores where children can purchase socks and underwear.”

Alexander said the company will be collecting the gift cards over the next few weeks and present them to the public school district.

“Small acts of kindness can help make a difference in our community,” said Alexander.

To make a donation, call JR Glass at 978-345-0177 or drop it off at its location at 860 Water St., Fitchburg.

Full story at the Sentinel Enterprise Newshttp://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/news/ci_32046234/jr-glass-goes-head-class-backpack-donation 







A Special J R Glass Job: Providing Backpacks to Homeless Kids

J R Glass Backpacks for FitchburgFITCHBURG — The little purple backpack contained the works.

Kathy Alexander, vice president of J R Glass, pulled items — pencils, notepads, highlighters — out of the bag that would soon be delivered to a third-grade girl in the Fitchburg School District.

“I’m like, wow, this list has changed,” Alexander said, referencing the earbuds, which had been included in the backpack to fulfill a teacher’s back-to-school list.

The bag was one of 60 that J R Glass bought, packed and delivered to South Street Elementary School Wednesday afternoon.

From there the packs will be distributed through guidance counselors to many of the district’s 368 homeless students.

“It was a surprise, but it was a great surprise,”said Kathleen Niemi, the district homeless liaison.

Niemi said the district receives donations from nonprofits and sometimes businesses, like Elite Construction and J R Glass, for clothes and school supplies.

These items go to students who are staying with friends or extended family, call a motel room or tent home, have been displaced by a house fire or are “couchsurfing” unaccompanied youths, Niemi said.

The donation of J R Glass in advance of the school year is the Fitchburg company’s first of what they hope will become an annual tradition.

“The girls are talking about hitting the sales” after the school year begins, Alexander said.

J R Glass Backpacks for FitchburgShe added this would give the company more buying power when making their donation.

“When we started this project we though we would be helping kids in need, (but) we had no idea it was this number,” she said.

In all, J R Glass spent several thousand dollars on school supplies, raised through setting aside money from scrap metal recycling and an unexpected vendor refund.

“Just in time for school,”said Ryan Bessette, owner and president of J R Glass.

When the students open their backpacks, they’ll find another item, one that wasn’t on any teacher’s list, Alexander said.

“Just a little note of encouragement,” she said before showing a white envelope with a card inside. “Have a great year in school. Do your best.”

J R Glass Backpacks for Fitchburg


Full story at the Sentinel Enterprise News: http://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/news/ci_31190586/special-j-r-glass-job-providing-backpacks-homeless 

J R Glass Completes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

J R Glass Meets Senator Scott Brown

J R Glass team meets Senator Scott Brown at the Moran Square Diner, in Fitchburg today. Scott was out meeting with local Fitchburg voters in his final day of campaigning. It was an enthusiastic crowd there to cheer on the efforts of Brown.

Ryan Bessette, President of J R Glass, with Senator Brown.
Ryan Bessette, President of J R Glass, with Senator Brown.


Tom Sweeney, J R Glass project manager, with Senator Brown.
Tom Sweeney, J R Glass project manager, with Senator Brown.

J R Glass works on renovation at Merrill’s Wharf in Portland

J R Glass Service worked with the architect, engineers, owner, and Metric Const. on the remodel of the Merrill’s Wharf building for Pierce Atwood. From the first site visit, to the ribbon cutting ceremony, J R Glass provided the aluminum and glass needs for the project.

Read the article

Patrick, in Fitchburg business visit, vows fight for health-insurance reform

Gov. Deval Patrick reiterated his call for health-insurance reform during a visit with small-business leaders from the region

Read the article

JR Glass contributes to the Fitchburg Police Station Addition

Police say the new meeting space on the ground floor of the Fitchburg Police Station isn’t just a place for the community to gather in the near future. With help from friends and a donation of the glass from J R Glass the new meeting space can really shine.  



Adopting Families for the Holiday Season

This holiday season instead of exchanging gifts in the office we decided to “adopt” five local Fitchburg families for the holidays. We were able to provide a wonderful holiday meal complete with a turkey and ham. Beautiful fruit baskets, cookies and goodie bags for the kids were delivered by Santa and his elves on December 23rd. We were excited when we raised enough money to provide a $75.00 Toys R Us certificate so the parents could buy gifts for the seventeen children in these deserving families. The families were so very appreciative, the J R Glass team is already thinking about next year.

Fitchburg Housing Authority Thank You Letter (PDF)